Reflection: What happened to Magaliesburg Farm Enterprise

A Lesson in Decision-Makers Alignment

· Farming,Finance

Embarking on a farm enterprise requires careful planning, collaboration, and a unified vision among decision-makers, this is a fact I will never stop expressing. Even with all the vast years of experience in production and sales, the one thing you may never get correctly all the time is allignment with all necessary decisionmakers. Now, in the case of our Magaliesburg venture, despite the initial enthusiasm and promising prospects, we faced numerous challenges that ultimately led to the project never taking off. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind the failure to launch, focusing on the lack of alignment among decision-makers. By sharing and understanding these lessons, we can gain valuable insights for future endeavors.


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One of the major setbacks we encountered was the unforeseen circumstances surrounding the couple who we partnered and owned the property . Initially, we had reached a favorable agreement they needed a functional enteprise on the property while they were deployed overseas, but unfortunately, the husband was unable to accompany his wife on the long term assignment, causing the deal to fall through. Its important to always be in a position to go back to the drawing board when unforseen circumstances change. He wanted to run the enterprise and couldn't communicate either of those positions which led him to do what most humans do, GHOST and leave signs and tales with uninvolved parties. SIGH!

This highlights the importance of considering potential obstacles that decision-makers might face and having contingency plans in place.

2. The Monetary Maze: Miscommunication and Stakeholders' Roles

Miscommunication surrounding the financial aspects of the project emerged as another significant stumbling block. There was a lack of clarity and agreement on how the funding would be secured,managed, leading to a situation where other stakeholders were assuming they will be paying the other instead of investing the money into the farm enterprise. The conversation of securing outside funding also sent chills to stakeholders as they didnt consider all possible funding methods and only considered bank loans which puts the tangible assets in the business at risk.

This confusion not only strained relationships but also hindered the progress of the venture. It underscores the critical need for transparent communication and clearly defined financial responsibilities.

3. Power Struggles: The Dilemma of Multiple Centers of Power

A notable challenge we faced throughout the Magaliesburg project was the existence of multiple centers of power. Different decision-makers held varying degrees of influence and authority, resulting in conflicting visions and objectives. The lack of a unified front undermined effective decision-making and hindered progress. This situation stresses the importance of establishing clear leadership roles, fostering collaboration, and ensuring all decision-makers are aligned in their goals.

The Lessons Learned: Achieving Alignment for Future Success

a. Open and Transparent Communication:

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful decision-making. It is crucial to foster an environment where decision-makers can freely express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. Regular meetings, clear channels of communication, and shared documentation can help prevent misunderstandings and promote a shared understanding. Getting together is the easy part, staying together is actual work, splitting is the painful part. (always discuss the divorce before the marriage)

b. Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities:

Assigning specific roles and responsibilities to decision-makers is vital to avoid confusion and overlapping efforts. A clear understanding that going back to the drawing board is not retrogressive but a progressive method to shape the vision where everyone's time and efforts remain respected. Each stakeholder should have a defined scope of authority and understand their contribution towards the shared vision. This clarity helps streamline decision-making processes and encourages accountability.

c. Establishing a Unified Vision and Strategy:

Decision-makers must work collaboratively to establish a shared vision and strategy for the enterprise. By aligning the goals and aspirations of the team can harness their collective strengths and navigate challenges more effectively. Regular frank discussions, brainstorming sessions, and goal-setting exercises can contribute to this alignment.

d. Conflict Resolution Mechanisms:

Conflicts are inevitable in any endeavor involving multiple decision-makers. Implementing effective conflict resolution mechanisms, such as structured discussions, can help address disagreements promptly and ensure that they do not impede progress. Emphasizing the importance of constructive dialogue and compromise is crucial in fostering a harmonious working environment and relationship.


The failure to take off of the Magaliesburg farm enterprise serves as a valuable lesson on the significance of having all decision-makers on board and aligned with the project's objectives. The challenges we faced, including missed opportunities, financial miscommunication, and power struggles, highlight the critical role of effective communication, clearly defined roles, and a unified vision and strategy. By applying these lessons to future ventures, we can increase the likelihood of success and achieve greater cohesion among decision-makers. Ultimately, it is through collaboration, understanding, and shared objectives that we can overcome obstacles and thrive in the world of farm enterprises.

Share with us your experience of dealing with decision makers that stop the projects before they even start.

Nomaliso Musasiwa


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